Item Price
Memorial Brick
These bricks will pave the walkway to the CAHS building at the Village Park.
4 x 8 brick $100.00 three line of info (max 12 characters per line)
8 x 8 brick $200.00 six lines of info (max 12 characters per line),
16 x 16 brick $500.00 (max 12 characters per line), $100, $200, or $500
Coloma of Yesteryear DVD
All New for the Sesquicentennial Celebration!
Narrated by Rudy King with more original music by Clauson Family Music $10
Sesquicentinnial Book
A collection of Coloma Memories celebrating 150 years in 2008 $5
Coloma Walking Tour Booklet $2
Coloma Watertower Ornament $1
Hand panted Coloma Watertower Ornament $4
Stand also available for $1.50
Minature Golf at Pleasant Lake Pamphlet $3
Coloring Book, Coloma $2
Dishtowel featuring Coloma Waterpower. $5
Print and fill out the CAHSShoppeOrderForm and mail it, along with your payment, to:
Box 245
Coloma, WI 54930
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